Welcome to 1st part of things you can do after bds. We have also written 2nd part on things to do after bds. Do check it out
The toughest thing after completion of BDS is thinking what to do next?
I went through this and I’m sure all the interns and young dentists out there feel the same.
That’s exactly when the career pressure goes up the hill. You see your peers preparing for all sorts of exams, some moving out of the country, some just leaving dentistry and choosing other career options and some just getting married. LOL This is the most confusing phase of young graduates life.
So, lemme simplify this to you guys, I’m gonna divide these options into 3 categories
- Clinical
- Non-clinical
- Non-medic
Let’s talk about clinical options first
1.MDS –
Going for masters after bachelors is always a good option if your interested in academics then MDS is a great option.
For that you have to crack NEETMDS and completion of MDS takes 3 years.
Joining a private practice- This is a great way to gain required clinical exposure. You get hands on experience of all kinds of patients enough to help you open your own clinic.
2. Tutor at Dental college –
There are usually two types of residency offered by dental college junior residency is usually fixed to a certain department. senior residency is about 6 months to 1 year on contract basis it’s more like an internship with rotatory shift to all the departments in the college.
Joining a hospital-you can also consider joining corporate hospitals or private hospitals which has a dental unit and gain experience.
3. Opening your own dental clinic –
When you are confident enough with your practice and have gained enough clinical experience that’s the right time to invest in your own dental clinic
4. Working abroad –
If you want to relocate in a different country middle east is the best with much higher salaries All you have to do is write their licensing exams and apply for work.
So next comes Non-clinical option if you’re not someone who likes clinical work this one’s for you
1. MHA-
Healthcare administration is a specialized course and provides you with better skills in a hospital setting.
2. MPH –
Public health concerns and dealing with issues related to public health and creating awareness programs about health.
3. Clinical research –
Study of health and illness in people. If you are interested in research this one’s for you.
4. Medical transcription –
It’s dealing with the process of transcribing voice recorded medical reports that are dictated by physicians, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners.
5. Forensic Odontology –
Proper handling, examination, and evaluation of dental evidence which will be presented in the interest of justice.
Then comes the last one Non-medical options
6. MBA-
If you are interested in business than dentistry you can switch to MBA in India as well as abroad.
7. Civil services –
Includes all state and central government offices offer jobs in sectors like IAS, IFS, IPS etc.
My dear readers choose what you’re really interested in hope this might help.
Part 2 will be up soon.
Thank you soo much Doctor
Well Written brooooo!
Good Information.
Part 2 of this post will be coming shortly. Do check that out as well.